Jo Ann at the manifestation for Christiane Brunner’s election. With ten thousand other women, she demonstrates in front of the Federal Palace in Bern the 10th of March 1993. Our daughter Eliane with her daughters Roxanne and Victoria at Victoria’s 25th birthday in 2019. Our son Christophe with his sons Elliott and Nathanael in 2020. Jo Ann with her poetry book Transition Hemmingway hadley 1922 Switzerland Julian of Norwich For those interested in bird watching in Norfolk I recommend Stuart White, head of The Bird ID Company and a man with a profound love of his countryside and a great understanding not only of birds but of human beings. Susan Tiberghien (far left) with GWG members at the Press Club Part of the steering committee hard at work. GWG members enjoying lunch on the Press Club steps Mrs. C. A. Dawson Scott, founder of International PEN. Château de Lavigny, summer 2010 Cocktails after a reading Matthew introducing Jo Ann as she is about to give a reading at BooksBooksBooks Members of the Lakelines Circle relaxing at BooksBooksBooks